Cats have unique health problems. That's why it's important to take them to the vet for regular checkups and blood tests.

Unlike humans, cats cannot tell you what is wrong. This is why routine blood tests are so important for pets. If you think that your cat would benefit from a blood test, this is what you should do to prepare.

Make Sure You Don't Need to Do Anything Specific

You should confirm with your veterinarian that no special preparation is needed for your cat. While most cats do not need much extra care before the test, some circumstances are different.

For instance, if your cat has diabetes, kidney disease, or is pregnant, be sure to ask if there are any special considerations before the test.

Your Cat May Need to Fast

Some blood tests will require fasting, so it is important to ask about that before you leave for the appointment.

Fasting means that your cat will not be able to have any food or water starting at a certain time before the test. Water deprivation can be dangerous for cats, so make sure you know how long the fast will be and that you are comfortable with it.

Your Cat Should Have Access to Water

On the other hand, your vet might mention that fasting is not necessary. If so, make sure that your cat continues to stay hydrated. Dehydration can skew test results, so it is important to keep an eye on your cat's water intake and note anything that seems abnormal.

Try to Stick With a Relaxing Routine

The morning of the test, make sure that you do not do anything out of the ordinary. If your cat is used to being fed at a specific time, try to feed them on time.

Don't make any big adjustments in your pet's life. For example, don't move the litter box to a new location the day before a test. Animals can become stressed out easily in these circumstances.

Cats are creatures of habit, so it is best to stick to what is going to make your cat most comfortable. You don't want them to suspect a thing.

Talk to Your Veterinarian About Blood Tests

If you have any questions or concerns about your cat's blood test, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to put your mind at ease and help you prepare for the test. 
